$BEKELE is where the world of meme coins meets a dash of presidential swagger, inspired by none other than El Salvador's own Nayib Bukele, a man who doesn’t just walk into a room - he makes the room come to him. Just as Bukele turned heads by embracing Bitcoin, $BEKELE is here to flip the meme coin universe on its head, wearing sunglasses at night because, why not?
President Nayeb Bekele


Launching with the stealth of a ninja in broad daylight, $BEKELE said no to presales, kicked taxes to the curb, locked up the liquidity pool tighter than Fort Knox, and made its contract as open and renounced as a celebrity memoir. This isn’t just a meme coin; it’s a revolution wrapped in a joke, sprinkled with a bit of digital gold dust.

Fueled by the kind of memetic energy that could only be inspired by a president who changes national currency for laughs, $BEKELE is on a quest. A quest not just to be part of the meme coin circus but to be the ringmaster, leading with a top hat, a monocle, and the kind of flair that says, "Yes, I did indeed legalize Bitcoin, and what about it?"

Join $BEKELE as it moonwalks across the crypto stage, bringing fun, freedom, and a hint of presidential mischief to the world of digital currency. With $BEKELE, it’s not just about making bank; it’s about making memories. And possibly history. But mostly, it’s about having a good laugh while we’re all here.


Short, sweet, and to the point, each phase of Bekele's journey captures the essence of what makes it unique.

Phase 1: The Spark

Where it all begins—Bekele bursts onto the scene, fueled by Salvadoran spirit and a dash of presidential charisma. It’s not just a coin; it’s a movement. Memes, laughs, and community gather under the Bekele banner, ready to take on the digital world.

Phase 2: Fiesta Finance

Bekele becomes synonymous with fun. We're not just holding; we're partying. This phase sees our community growing, vibing, and yes, HODLing, but with style. Bekele is more than a meme coin; it's a lifestyle.

Phase 3: Tropical Takeover

The meme coin world never saw it coming. Bekele isn't just part of the conversation; it leads it. With a blend of humor, innovation, and a touch of tropical flair, Bekele sets out to become the heart of the meme economy.

Phase 4: El Presidente of Coins

In a world of digital currencies, Bekele stands tall. It's not just about being another coin; it's about leading with laughter and ruling with fun. Bekele isn't just inspired by a president; it becomes the president of meme coins.


Contract address: 4pPMX85G5t6M8hoKvdsbRDGbMkXxRg1vefcQ7MVjjMKM
Total token supply: 1,000,000,000
No Taxes, No Bullshit. It’s that simple. LP tokens are burnt, and contract ownership is renounced.

how to buy

Phantom wallet logo
Step 1. Get a wallet

download phantom wallet or your wallet of choice from the app store or google play store for free. Desktop users, download the google chrome extension by going to phantom.app.
Solana token logo
Step 2. Get some SOL

have SOL in your wallet to switch to $BEKELE. If you don’t have any SOL, you can buy directly on phantom wallet, transfer from another wallet, or buy on another exchange and send it to your wallet.
Raydium logo
Step 3. Go to Jupiter

connect to Jupiter. Go to www.jup.ag in google chrome or on the browser inside your Phantom app. Connect your wallet. Paste the $BEKELE token address into Jupiter, select $BEKELE, and confirm. When Phantom prompts you for a wallet signature, sign.
Swap SOL for Bekele
Step 4. Switch SOL for $BEKELE

switch SOL for $BEKELE. We have ZERO taxes so you don’t need to worry about buying with a specific slippage, although you may need to use slippage during times of market volatility.